

Classic Comfort

Pulled free range chicken breast with our homemade barbeque sauce, butternut mac and cheese with brown rice pasta, and garlicky broccoli

Gluten free, contains dairy


Earn 8 Points

Smoked pulled chicken with butternut mac and cheese brown rice pasta and garlicky broccoli. BBQ sauce on side

{"sku":"Family Meal","label":"Family Size Option","price":"38.00","image":"","price_type":"quantity_based","checked":null,"checked2":null,"option_checked":null,"allergens":"","ingredients":"","ingamounts":"","ingramounts":"","ingshows":"","ingredients_desc":""}

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How to prepare

Microwave image

Microwave for 3-5 minutes to desired temperature or preheat oven to 350F and heat in oven safe tray for 15-18 minutes until desired warmth.

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