
Egg & optional dairy

Ode to Nonna

Ground turkey breast and grass-fed beef Italian meatloaf topped with caramelized onions and peppers,  served with rosemary roasted fingerling potatoes, and garlicky broccoli with slow-cooked marinara and pecorino romano/parmesan (on the side)

Meats are locally and sustainably sourced, dairy is on the side and can be added optionally.


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Ground turkey breast and grass-fed beef meat loaf topped with caramelized onions and roasted red peppers. With rosemary roasted fingerling potatoes and garlicky broccoli . Marinara and pecorino romano on side

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Egg & optional dairy

How to prepare

Oven image

Remove cups, sprinkle with cheese before heating, microwave for 3-5 minutes to desired temp or alternately, preheat oven to 350 and place on baking sheet and heat for 15-18 minutes to desired temperature. Meatloaf is fully cooked.

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